There is still some debate on whether pipe fabrication is better to do in the field or in the shop. When using pre-fab, you can control and ensure ideal conditions in your shop, so you don’t have to worry about bad weather or tough terrain. Pre-fab also saves time and money when you can eliminate the dangers and operations of a live jobsite.
On the other hand, transporting pre-fabricated pipe can be difficult and mean a higher risk for damage. There’s also a larger margin for error when working off documentation. Fabricating in the field ensures accuracy and precision, especially when fabricating around unexpected obstacles. Still, when executed properly, pre-fab is a total game changer.
Once you’ve determined whether pre-fabricating is right for the job, these are easy steps you can take to get the most out of your process. You want to be sure to cut and prep spool pieces in the shop. From there, find a safe way to transport the system to the job. Then, just start installing.
When you’re pre-fabricating with Viega products, we have three different options to choose from. The Combo Method allows you to pre-fab how you always have with one small change; use Viega fittings on final connections in the field. The second option is our Half and Half Method, where you take one job and fabricate half of it in the shop and the rest in the field, using Viega fittings for the final connections. The third option is our Full On Pre-Fabrication Method, which is similar to option two but requires a deeper understanding of the full process and project, with even more support from our team.
If you’re ready to take the next step on pre-fab, our Engineering Services team is ready to help. Let our team of engineers, plumbers, and pipefitters assist with engineering your project.
To learn more about your fabrication options or to request training, visit