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Viega LLC – Recognized leader in press technology for plumbing and piping systems

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SeaPress 45° elbow

Model: 0326 | Part # 453 886

  • CuNiFe 90/10
  • Press connections


EPDM sealing elements

  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.083
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  10
  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.156
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  10
  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.213
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  4
  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.315
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  4
  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.622
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  2
  • Wt [lb]  ?  0.841
  • DG  ?  7
  • Quantity  ?  2
Product Part Number Details
P1 P2
15 15
22 22
28 28
35 35
42 42
54 54
Product Part Number Details
15 15
22 22
28 28
35 35
42 42
54 54

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